Travel Tips

5 Places to Visit to Celebrate Independence Day

TicketLens celebrates 4th of July

Happy 4th of July from TicketLens & Ulmon! Today’s a day for celebration with family, barbeques, and fireworks, but it’s also a chance to remember the journey to US independence and the sacrifices made along the way. We’ve put together a list of must-see places that will help travelers of all ages understand the story and significance of Independence Day.

1. Boston National Historical Park, Boston

Old State House Boston Massacre
Old State House

The Boston National Historical Park is a collection of important sites that tells the story of the city’s vital role in the American Revolution. It includes memorials for the Battle of Bunker Hill and to the heroic Paul Revere, and you’ll also get to see the Old State House where the Boston Massacre took place. Plus you’re just a short walk from the Boston Harbor, the site of the famous Boston Tea Party. If you’re interested in the build-up to the Revolution and its earliest days, you have to visit Boston!

2. Independence Hall, Philadelphia

Independence Hall
Independence Hall – Jim Bowen – CC-BY-2.0

Independence Hall is the former Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia where the Second Continental Congress drafted and signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. During the Revolutionary War, it was briefly occupied by British forces, before being recaptured and used as the site of the Constitutional Convention, where, with the windows shut to guarantee secrecy, the Constitution of the United States was drafted in 1787. You can only visit this historic building with an expert guide, but it’s well worth the trip!

3. US National Archives, Washington, D.C.

US National Archives
US National Archives – Roman Boed CC-BY-2.0

The thought of visiting the National Archives might not sound thrilling, but it’s one of the most popular sites to see in Washington, DC! The Archives are the home of the original copy of the Declaration of Independence, signed by the 56 delegates to the Second Continental Congress, plus you can see the other documents that made the United States a beacon of democracy – the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Archives offer interactive guided tours and a host of family-friendly activities to make visiting fun and interesting for all ages!

Tickets for US National Archives

4. Capitol Building, Washington, D.C.

Capitol Building

Once you’ve had a revolution and declared independence, you have to get on with the hard work of running a nation. You can celebrate life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by paying a visit to the heirs of the Second Continental Congress – the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate! Tours of the Capitol Building will teach you about the history of the building and how it runs, and you can also take time to watch Congress at work from the visitor galleries. Who knows, you might see history being made!

Tickets for Capitol Building

5. Statue of Liberty, New York

Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty

Independence Day is a huge celebration and it’s had various symbols over the years, from the stars and stripes to the bald eagle on the Great Seal of the USA, but there’s another icon everyone should visit on their trip to New York: the Statue of Liberty. Lady Liberty may have been a gift from the French based on a Roman goddess, but she’s as American as they come, with a copy of the Declaration of Independence in her arms and a torch held high as she strides forward into the future. Visit her on Liberty Island and climb the base, pedestal, or all the way up to her 7-pointed crown for an incredible view, and take a trip to the museum to see the iconic lines of poet Emma Lazarus: 

“Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Tickets for Statue of Liberty

Let us know in the comments if there are any places you think we’ve missed, and have a happy 4th of July!

About author

Anneliese is a former Londoner, keen traveler, and total word nerd. As a Content Management Specialist she knows the TicketLens inventory inside out and curates, matches, and writes about the most interesting attractions worldwide.
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