Travel with TicketLens

TicketLens meets Product Hunt

The Ulmon offices have been busy in the last few months working on TicketLens, our newest project!

We’ve been adding new destinations, extra content, and (behind the scenes) our developers have been making lots of changes to make sure both the TicketLens website and app are as sleek and easy to use as possible.

On Monday we were proud to be hunted on Product Hunt, which introduced other Hunters and Makers to TicketLens for the first time. Check out the post here, it also includes lots of stunning visuals thanks to our designer Dominic.

The campaign was picked up by two of Austria’s biggest startup blogs, who decided they wanted to profile Ulmon and talk about our new product and why we’re pivoting towards attraction and tour tickets.

You can read the articles (both in German) by Martin Pacher of Der Brutkasten here, and the article by Jakob Steinschaden of here. Please feel free to comment and share!

Of course, we’re not going to stop improving TicketLens any time soon. Check back in a couple of months when we’ll have some more exciting pieces of news.

About author

Anneliese is a former Londoner, keen traveler, and total word nerd. As a Content Management Specialist she knows the TicketLens inventory inside out and curates, matches, and writes about the most interesting attractions worldwide.
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