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Louis Vuitton Foundation for Creation tickets & tours | Price comparison

Louis Vuitton Foundation for Creation

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The Fondation Louis Vuitton was opened in 2014 as a space hosting temporary modern and contemporary art exhibitions, with two major exhibitions a year. With works from global artists and an auditorium hosting regular concerts, the foundation is an excellent place to visit if you want to see carefully curated art that stimulates all the senses.
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Paris: Fondation Louis Vuitton Premium Access Ticket
4.7starstarstarstarstar half(2641)
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Fondation Louis Vuitton: Premium Access
4.7starstarstarstarstar half(9206)
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General information

opening hours

Each exhibition may have slightly different opening times, please check before visiting. The Foundation Louis Vuitton is closed on Tuesdays. On other weekdays outside of the holiday period, the opening hours are from 12 pm to 7 pm. During the holiday period, the museum opens at 12 pm on weekdays. The Foundation is closed on January 1st, May 1st, and December 25th. It is open on May 8th, July 14th, and August 15th.


Fondation Louis Vuitton
8 avenue du Mahatma Gandhi
Bois de Boulogne
75116 Paris


Tickets to the Fondation Louis Vuitton cost €9 for adults or a reduced price of €4 for those under the age of 26, students, teachers, or the unemployed. Children under the age of 3 can enter free of charge.

how to get there

The gallery can be reached via Metro line 1 to Les Sablons, visitors should take the exit marked Fondation Louis Vuitton. At weekends, the gallery is also served by bus number 244 to the Fondation Louis Vuitton stop. During the week visitors should get off the bus at the stop called Jardin d’acclimatation. Two registered disabled parking spaces can be found in front of the entrance, other drivers are asked to park in the public carpark at Porte Maillot.
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