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Psychro Cave tickets & tours | Price comparison

Psychro Cave

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The Psychro Cave, also known as the Diktaean Cave, is the place where the infant Zeus was born and nursed by Amalthea. It was the site of a sanctuary, and human figurines found there during archaeological exploration show that it was in use as a burial site and place of worship since the Minoan times. Take a tour with an expert guide to learn all about the secrets and legends of the cave!
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General information

opening hours

In winter the cave is open to visitors from 8 am to 3 pm, and in summer the cave is open from 8 am to 8 pm. The cave is closed on January 1, March 25, May 1, Easter Sunday, December 25, and December 26. On other holidays the opening hours may be reduced.


Tickets cost €6 or €3 for those entitled to a reduced price ticket. Entry is free for EU citizens over the age of 65, students, and visitors under the age of 18.


Psychro Cave
720 52 Crete

how to get there

The easiest way to reach the Psychro Cave is to drive, and there is car parking available at the site.
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